Bukit Putus Hillclimb post mortem

its been a week now after the awesome event. But i’m just too busy at panasonic for the past few days. Intended to stay late though to make up extra money for something very nice πŸ™‚

so tonight i collect all the strength to write up something to updates on the hillclimb runs. its just too much fun, i am selfish if i were to keep it for myself πŸ™‚

its was AWESOMEEEEE peeps! man..racing on open road is very nice indeed. basically suspensions of your bike need to be softer from track setup to absorb bumps ferom normal road condition better. Other than that you’re good to go.

It was a car/bike event. So the car is dominating. Plenty of nice machines shows up during the day, and this one caught my intention. here’s an eye candy

Toyota Ae86...hunted by many drifters. looks like a normal drift setup car right? teettt!wrong..whats up with the cut up hood?did you notice that?

An AE86 car but with trick stuff inside. Clue, whats a famous red cylinder headed engine?

may this this next pic helps you out

can you figure it out?

its a honda powerplant! huyohh..how come an honda engine be fitted in a Toyota?

thats not all…it aint the regular vtec we see everyday. it was taken from an S2000! wahlauwehh…i asked the owner then “why dontcha use the usual 4 throttle levin engine?” …he answered ” i want a reliable engine for training. a levin need modification to extract power from it, where as with this engine, it juices out 220HP in stock form”..mak aih..byk gile duit kau bole la kut..dasat-dasat.

okayyy..cars stuff done, lets get to our runs. At first it sounded like many riders are coming, but at the event only me and amir pomenΒ came. Then thankfully bunch of guys with KSRs came also to join the fun. else, it would be only 2 bikes.

We’re being launched one by one by the organizer, and it takes me about 4-5 runs up there to familiarize with the road.

At the morning session it was damp. It rains heavily that morning

rains..i like itt..buat when it comes to riding in it...:(

have i told you how i hate riding in the rain? i have? well..i HATE IT!..haha…so i take it easy in the morning. But when the sun shines and the road dries out..tanduk pun klua laa…hahaha..heres amir’s run up the hill. i’m on a faster bike so i can tailgate him easy. we manage to get permission to climb up duet so i can record him. here’s how it looked like

near the finish area he let me passed him out to be able to record me pulak…but his cam’s battery dried out and the cam was off..caistt 😦

haaaha..no worries though..i had fun! and here’s my last run. Should be about my 7th run that day and i feel comfortable with te route this time around. i ride as hard as i could within my safe pace. Super fun i tell ya!

my last post i did mentioned it may be quite the same as isle of manTT. well..of course i’m slower, i’m on a 150cc machine..i need 850cc more…anyone want to lend me their superbikes? i promise i’ll treat it good πŸ™‚ …hahah

Man, i had fun that day. please do make this more often …heheh


I’ve been always scared to death about riding hard on open roads. Hence never joins the routine Awana and Bukit Tinggi/Kuala Klawang rides every weekend. The weekend routines is well known for sportbikers enthusiasts, but i just didn’t have the balls to rode hard along the twisties. The crashing factors are just too high…sands..oncoming traffics…takutttttt…

But i’ve always wanted to ride hard on open roads…something like Man TT…i’ll explain about TT later..panjang ceritanya..lets get to the main topic..

Wheelspin Motorsports are arranging and open event at Bukit Putus! The awesome twisty open roads of bukit putus will be closed to the public on 25th of september(few days only from this post date..yeahh)

The road now are seldomly used by the public, so its perfect for the event.

To get an idea how the road of bukit putus looks like, please see video of Tengku Djan Ley drifting through the course here :

Awesome right?! woohoo…and for your info, it was actually a car event, then a friend of mine requested to includes bikes session as well. Meaning…on that day, it would be like a motorsports day! 4 and 2 wheelers..in a life of a nerd(thats me)..this is called FFUUNNNNN…

So how would riding a bike hard through the course would be eh? i’m imagining something like this..and ohh…like i said earlier…this is the Man TT :

Awesomee no? I’m getting all excited now…i will be on board the NSR 150 RR that i used to compete in the MSS. On board cam is a must!

Man…the waiting is killing me πŸ™‚

the vid peeps!

here you go!

punye la lame bertangguh, akhirnya dapat kekuatan untuk edit vid ni dan upload ke youtube! please enjoy!hehehe

i was on a friend’s modded Kriss 110, race ready. The conrod has been jacked (jack rod, if you heard this one more often, exact same thing :)) . That means it has longer strokes and more power, but gives out harsh power delivery in return. So its quite hard to ride this thing, and its my first time on the bike.

It took me about 4 laps, and ahem..2-3 close calls to familiarize with the machine. As an added challenge, the bike was on a badly wornout tyres. It didn’t really obvious in the vid, but i was actually struggling through the corners….dive into the corner too fast, and the fronts gives in. Open the throttle to much too early and the rear jumps out. Pheww..


But i had fun though πŸ™‚ (sebab tk tergolek..klau tak nangis la, my race suit is spanking new πŸ™‚ )


i’ll upload another vid showing my buddies dicing out with each other. tak la syok sendiri tunjuk diri sendiri jek.


The problem is my PC stalls a lot during video editing…the original plan is to get some nice music for the background of the vid, but i just couldn’t stand keep restarting the PC again and again.


till then, see ya!

Ahem, fun it is

Ahah..pernah kah anda beli satu bende, dan kemudiannye tersangatlah seronok serta gembire sebab anda rase anda telah beli bende yang betul?

exactly what happened to me!Onboard cam ini tersgtlah cool…gile syok kami-kami ni ber trackday memikirkan segala action-action sesah kapla lutut di rakam. Semua pun bertukar menjadi Rossi, Simoncelli, Stoner…wah wah

Harga menatang ini cuma RM70 termasuk kad micro SD 4GB. Dengan harga macam tu, jgnlah harapkan performance gambar macam GOPro yang jd duit makan sebulan tu…untuk harga macam ni, video yang terhasil tu lebih dari best!

untuk memasang cam ini kat motor bukan sennaggggg…ia memerlukan kepakaran yang tinggi, menggunakan komposit-komposit bahan yang berteknologi tinggi…hasil gabungan itu semua maka berjayalah kami mount cam ini pada moto seperti di bawah…

onboard cam

fuhh...berseni tangan orang yang install camera ni..fuhh..fuhh

hahaha..betulll..tak tipu…bahan teknologi tinggi…F1 still uses duct tape to close brake cooling ducts if they cant get the discs up to working temp…world class GP teams still uses them for cracked fairings πŸ™‚

videos will be uploaded soon…stay tuned!

On Board Camera


Ahad ini kami ade plan nak mentarah kepala lutut di trek Elite.

Memang kenalah masanya, memandangkan sangapnya saya setelah kecewa dengan motor yang rosak masa MSS round 3 tempohari, yang juga bermakna sudah masuk 7 bulan tak bawak moto dalam trek….tuhan saje yang tau gejolak hati ini..sobsob

So..to make things interesting…saya telah menyambar sebiji camera kecik, Mini DV. Ini ropa cam tersebut

kicik, comey..just nice for an onboard cam

Cadangannye ialah untuk pasangkan camera ni pada mana-mana moto kami untuk rakam aksi-aksi tenyehan lutut. Tunggu je ahad ni nanti untuk tengok hasilnye..hoho, girang tak terkata!